Most of the fat we need is made by our bodies, but there are some fats our bodies cannot make. We can only get these fats by eating them. These fats are called “essential” fats because it is essential that we get them from food. Essential fats include Omega-3 fats (found in foods such as fish and flax seed) and Omega-6 fats (found in foods such as nuts, seeds, and corn oil).
1.unsaturated fats from plant foods.
2.saturated fats from animal foods.
3.Trans fats from commercially prepared, processed foods.
Why is Fat Important?
- fat helps absorb vitamins, like vitamins A, D, E, and K
- fat keeps our skin healthy
- essential fats like Omega-3 are important for heart health
- healthy fats, like unsaturated fats from plant oils, can help lower levels of LDL (lousy) cholesterol
- fat adds flavour to food.
- fat keeps you feeling satisfied longer after a meal
- are found in plant foods and oils
- are healthy fats, but should be eaten in moderation
There are two types of unsaturated fats:
- mono-unsaturated fats
- poly-unsaturated fats
mono-unsaturated fats:
1.Olive oils and Olives2.Peanuts3.Peanut butter and Peanut oil4.Avocado5.Almonds6.Cashews Poly-Unsaturated Fats and Oils/good fats
Poly-unsaturated fats and oils:
- lower levels of LDL (lousy) cholesterol in your body
- Omega-3 fats increase levels of HDL and lower levels of triglycerides
- Food sources include:
- walnuts
- ground flax seed and flax seed oil
- hemp seed and hemp hearts
- chia seed (also called salba seed)
- canola oil
- fatty fish such as mackerel, salmon, unsalted herring, sardines (fresh or canned), trout
saturated fats:
Food and Meal Planning
- are found in plant foods and oils
- are healthy fats, but should be eaten in moderation
There are two types of unsaturated fats:
- mono-unsaturated fats
- poly-unsaturated fats
mono-unsaturated fats:
Poly-Unsaturated Fats and Oils/good fats
Poly-unsaturated fats and oils:
- lower levels of LDL (lousy) cholesterol in your body
- Omega-3 fats increase levels of HDL and lower levels of triglycerides
- Food sources include:
- walnuts
- ground flax seed and flax seed oil
- hemp seed and hemp hearts
- chia seed (also called salba seed)
- canola oil
- fatty fish such as mackerel, salmon, unsalted herring, sardines (fresh or canned), trout
saturated fats:
Foods high in saturated fat
Marbled or fatty meats:
- corned beef, brisket
- ground beef, short or spare ribs
- skin on chicken and turkey, chicken wings
- bacon
- sausages
- goose and duck
- breaded or battered foods
- high fat luncheon meats
High fat dairy foods:
Foods high in saturated fat
Marbled or fatty meats:
- corned beef, brisket
- ground beef, short or spare ribs
- skin on chicken and turkey, chicken wings
- bacon
- sausages
- goose and duck
- breaded or battered foods
- high fat luncheon meats
High fat dairy foods:
Trans fats/Bad Fats:
These fats are two kinds natural occurring and artificial fats. The natural occurring trans fats are found in milk and meat products. Artificial products are the processed foods. Natural trans fats, however, have no rival for the body. Processed Trans fats will raise the bad LDL(Low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol levels and lower the good HDL(High-density lipoprotein) cholesterol levels. These foods fall under this category,
- Cakes
- Pastries
- Doughnuts
- Pizza
- Chips
- Muffins
- Cookies and much more
- these fats have a great impact on belly fat and also increase the heart diseases and diabetes.
These fats are two kinds natural occurring and artificial fats. The natural occurring trans fats are found in milk and meat products. Artificial products are the processed foods. Natural trans fats, however, have no rival for the body. Processed Trans fats will raise the bad LDL(Low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol levels and lower the good HDL(High-density lipoprotein) cholesterol levels. These foods fall under this category,
- Cakes
- Pastries
- Doughnuts
- Pizza
- Chips
- Muffins
- Cookies and much more
- these fats have a great impact on belly fat and also increase the heart diseases and diabetes.